In the blazing sun, under the blue
Silence prevails around all through.
Suspense of a lurking threat
Threatens present and future- ‘Adieu’.
Break the Shackles, Avoid the Herd, the Queue.
Let the Storm pass, that’s Victory enough;
So that, Life thrives with Vitality anew.
Covid-19: A Whistleblower
Covid-19's transformation into a pandemic is a whistleblower to our lifestyle and our priorities. We have been faking our life , not only digitally but also in reality. Food from being a necessity has become a style statement. Water from an essentiality is another reputation builder. People love spending their time, energy and money in faking; only so that they can feel better about their fake life.
In an age of digital tech explosion, the advent and arrival of this microscopic danger,i.e., Covid-19, should be a reality check of human ego. We have come a long way on the run of evolution and somehow surrounding ourselves with various luxuries and comfort ,we believe we are invincible in our own bubble of narcissism. We forget that we as species have evolved and survived centuries on the motto-
“Survival of the fittest”.
We need to make a revolutionary transformation in our habits and acknowledge this fact that though we consider our job, our social status and our digital life to be the most significant; in Reality its our health , our surroundings and our environment which matter the most. In the rat race of economies, even “LEADERS” forgot the basic lessons – ‘Human resource is the greatest resource of a nation, which can utilize all other resources’ and to keep the human resource healthy the nation must prioritize its HEALTH.
It’s a matter of great concern that humankind could reach the Mars and dream about invading the space , but it takes one microscopic being to bring the whole species to its knees. I might sound pessimistic , but I am just being Realistic. By acknowledging that Yes, we did overlook contingencies such as Covid-19 , we might take lessons from it. We are back to teaching people how to wash their hands and the importance of cleanliness in our daily life. This in itself says it all.
China has proved an old crude saying “ Just because the poison comes in a fancy box, we ought not buy it and consume it .“ They really need to get over their eccentric eating habits. Just because they are one of the rich economies, World organizations should not cut a slack on them. The UN needs to seriously take radical actions after dealing with the pandemic of Covid-19. The whole world is suffering right now because of their lack of respect for the ecological balance in nature.
Right now the best option is to Fall Back and Break the Chain . 2020 begins with a pandemic ,Let’s learn and be better prepared. Follow precautions , Be calm and Be Safe. Don’t overlook any menial symptom, being Alert is the the Best weapon to win this Battle. We are all in this Together, as a Species, as One.
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