It is a silence-
An unprecedented Universal Silence!
A resurrection of primordial quietness
That Man had abandoned
In Nature’s lush dominion – long,long back.

A glimpse of judgement
As awaiting reckless humanity
Precceeds gushing heat-waves
Through empty, deserted streets.
A fatal threat-
The slow arrival of ‘second coming’
Shrouds abandoned rendezvous-haunts
Skipping beats, gasping breath
Haunt the hunter, the squanderer epitomize.

Caught up to his misdeeds,
He hides in ivory towers-
Fortified- safe and sound.
While Nature repossesses its throne,
Purging, Clensing all around.

A warning fair ,
Sent to Sapien from Maternity-
“Rectify your impudence ere
You’ve to fortify for eternity.”

A revelation-
Of greed, ardent mutation,
When self-need awoke to claim
Lives of fellows- multifold;
Man gave up all he held dear-
Unblinking, unquestioned, untold.
He denies Nature’s calling
Lamenting wails manifold,
Claiming, his passionate ordeals failed
For centuries, with tactics innovate n old.

This silence is Harmonious
Filled with flutters, chirps and awe;
Listen closely troubled heart
To Nature – sweet n raw.
The honks-silent; speakers-mute
As the golden chariot draws,
The Azure sky turns Crimson red
Orchestra- chirrups, coos n caws.


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