The Voice of The Rain
by Walt Whitman
Rain has always
inspired sensitive hearts. From being veils of pearls to tears of heaven; or
even messenger of the two lovers,i.e., heaven and earth, rain is the elixir of
life. It reflects myriad of moods and emotions. The poem ‘Voice of Rain’
represents the water cycle from the perspective of a poet.
The poet, Walt Whitman
writes of a conversation he once had with the rain as it showered gently from
the sky. ‘Who are you?’, the poet asked. Quite strangely the raindrops answered
and the poet through his immense sensitivity understood. The poet translates
the words of the raindrops for the understanding of the readers.
The rain says that it
is the poem of the earth and goes on describing its origin as well as its
journey through the course of its life. It adds that it is born or originated
in the forn of invisible, intangible vapours that eternally rise from the
different terrains of the earth, the various water sources as well as the land
itself. It rises to reach the firmament or heaven and changes its appearance to
take the abstract shape of the clouds. And though it has transformed its shape
and look, but its essence remains the same,i.e., water.
After its course
through the various places with the help of wind, it returns to its
birthplace,earth in the form of minute water droplets we call rain. In this
form ,it washes away the dust and rejuvenates the drought-ridden, dry, parched
land. New saplings find life which were hidden in their dormant state, unborn
beneath the dry land as seeds. Thus, this perpetual cyclic lifestyle ensures
that the elixir of life returns to its origin , giving it life, and purifying
it, adorning it and adding greatly to its existence.
The poet draws a
parallel between the rain’s life cycle and any song. A song’s or poem’s
birthplace is the poet’s heart. After it is successfully shaped and formed, it
goes on a journey amongst various listeners who perceive it, enjoy it and value
it in different ways. During its course it may also undergo various
transformations,however its core or soul remains the same. Eventually, it
returns home, to the poet with all the love that has been showered upon it by
its listeners.
The poem is written from the viewpoint of someone who
questioned the rain about its identity and was answered back by the words, “ I
am the poem of the Earth”, then elaborating about its journey from the Earth to
the sky and back to the Earth . However , during this journey the rain seems to
acquire a mysterious rejuvenating and life supporting quality which acts as a
source of life to the dormant, latent seeds and the whole Earth at large.
The metaphorical comparison between the song or poem
and the rain beautifully describes the journey of the rain and its transformation.
The rain is personified in the very first line and the use of imagery
throughout the poem is worth analysing. Though the poet uses very scientific
and logical concept of the water-cycle as the theme of the poem but the
artistic quality through which it is presented establishes the poetic prowess
of Walt Whitman.
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